Can anyone please tell me where did the last 3 years go? Cause not long ago I was somewhere in Romania with my studies, then I left to India to change the views, then I came back home and then....where did the days go? Is it just me or this planet and sun and whatever else in this Universe is spinning a little bit faster than the old days? I mean I remembers everyday when I was little and the day was so long and the year was long also, and now, everything ends like in a few hours...And what do you know, it's 2012!
OOOOHHH MYYY GOOOODDDD, this is the end!!!!!! Let's do something, let's do everything, let's do it all now, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Does anyone believe this shit, except me? Do you really think the end is now? I will admit that I do, I really do believe. And I am not talking about the end of the world as in the huge mushroom will wipe us away or planet earth will become a lonely sad place full of water or dust or ashes. I believe that this year something will happen that will end the world as we know it, like a start for a new kind or era...and wow that sounded so deep :))) So what do you know, ACTA is on and the economical situation is wipping the countries away from the european list, and snow is covering our houses in nowadays winter. Kind of weird, don't you think? Should we really expect cips in our brains and robots to come and do our stuff in the next future? You know I don't exclude that either :)))
(play song)
Long ago, in the land where everything was possible, while walking on the streets to my home, I met a small girl with big blue eyes. She was dancing her way home, saying hy to all the trees and flowers around, singing a song that sounded to optimistic and happy even for me. I stopped and asked: Why are you so happy little girl? She looked up at me, smiled and gave me the drawing. Then I understood...

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Where will you be at the end of the era, the turn of the centuries :) ?
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