As one of my friend would say...why the hell start Yoga in Romania, when you didn't start it in India...Well because in India I had other priorities and other activities (kind of weird doe) and here in a way because of missing India I started an activity that will bring me closer to the Indian culture, until I get back there of course :D
Do not imagine the kind of Bivolari yoga : ))) with a guru, with rituals that involve urine or animals or whatever else. I'm talking here about Sahaja Yoga, a spiritual Yoga that teaches you how to find yourself through your inner energies. Energies that we ALL have but do not know about them.
You may call me weirdo but I am into these things :D
So here is me, in Libertatii Square, looking at a small poster that was saying about this Sahaja Yoga, with an Indian lady with a bendi on her forehead. One day, one certain hour, free for public (wow), just be there. So I decided to go. And it seems I did good.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the woman in the poster (of course not this poster). I will not tell about her cause you can find her on wiki. She is the founder of Sahaja Yoga. A good yoga that brings all that's good from you inner:D
The awesome thing is that the sessions are free, precisely because Shri Mataji preached that people should not pay to find themselves, so the women who are holding the sessions do not charge for this. Hoe cool is that? And they are Romanians : )))))
So I went in that room, I've been explained how this yoga helps the person and how do you get to the certain energy, we did a small exercise to see how we feel, an exercise that includes a small meditation, and we saw a movie. Actually in every session we see a movie with Shri Mataji talking to the people, movies that present different speeches she had in the world. And when I say world I mean from Amertica to Asia, cause she is quite famous for this.
Conclusion I kind of like it, I feel good when I'm there, and I also get to listen to old Indian music, which is nice :D
4 comentarii:
I know what you mean.
Doing things just to be able to stay closer to a country.
Ask me.....for an incredibly lazy cook, i always manage to find the time to cook zacusa although i pretend to be busy if my mum asks me to cook anything! ;p
And...i'm going a romanian language course over the internet!
We rock :) We actually do :)))
Hahaha...nu pot sa cred cate lucruri avem in comun oana.In afara de interesul comun pt "Indiile pierdute ", numai ce mi-a trimis titus un articol de pe blogul tau ca sa citesc despre airlines , care ma preocupa si pe me. Si citind mai jos vad ca te-ai apucat de yoga....si eu de 2 luni...si-mi zic in gand sigur face alt tip de yoga ....doar n-o face Sahaja Yoga,de care nici cucu nu stie :)) hehe,et voila !:)
draga greta, acum iti citesc comentariul. ma bucur nespus ca am povestit cu tine si da, e interesant ca avem atatea in comun. ar trebui sa vorbim mai des :)
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