The whole above description refers to BBC documentary, Human Planet, an amazing combination of sounds, images with a remarkable story teller, actor John Hurt, bringing in front in every single minute the extraordinary relationship that humans have with nature.
The documentary was first launched in UK on BBC One, during 8 weeks, starting 13th Of January 2011. The stories are spread in 8 episodes, but the filming of the entire movie took about 3 years in many many countries, on all continents.
I usually don't have the patience to watch serials, but this is one is simply amazing, making me forget that it finishes in 8 episodes. Or may I say it never finishes. Actually in every story I am fascinated and I think how lucky and blessed those people were (the working team I mean) to witness such amazing human rituals, and how much those scenes have changed their life values.
Each episode has a topic, like the human life and global waters, human life in the jungle, in the mountains and others.
I am going to tell you some of my favorite discoveries from these episodes, letting you discover the rest while watching them, if I made you curious of course (and I am sure I will :P )

There are certain people that have the job to prepare an old Buddhist ritual, a sky burial. The family walks along with the corps on a high mountain top, says the last prayers and goes back to the village, letting the funeral person, a non Buddhist, to do the rest.
On the top of the mountain the undertaker receives the help of other creatures living at those heights, the vultures. After the man cuts the body in peaces, the birds eat it, clearing the worries away from the community.

A human habit in the jungles of Brazil was astonishing for me, especially because it is practiced by small local children. When the kids get hungry, they rush in the jungle to find some "snacks", and oh my Good what snacks. The food they often seek for is named Goliath, and is actually the largest spider in the world. They catch the spider with their hands, using a small stick to immobilize the victim. After each kid gets its spider, they make a small fire, cook them and eat them. They say it's delicious, but I have my doubts.
It's all about community, help, survival, about the laws of the nature and how we, the people, managed to adjust or even change some of them. It's about ways of life but most important about us. It's all about us. I hope I made you curious enough to seek for the stories yourself. If it is so, enjoy =)
"More than half of us now live in cities, and we are using up nature's resources as never before. We are, without doubt, the most inventive and powerful creature on the planet. We are so successful, we've highjacked the whole world for our own ends. But the consequences of our voracious lives are spiraling out of control. Are we pushing the natural world towards a crisis? Where do we go from here?"

It's all about community, help, survival, about the laws of the nature and how we, the people, managed to adjust or even change some of them. It's about ways of life but most important about us. It's all about us. I hope I made you curious enough to seek for the stories yourself. If it is so, enjoy =)
"More than half of us now live in cities, and we are using up nature's resources as never before. We are, without doubt, the most inventive and powerful creature on the planet. We are so successful, we've highjacked the whole world for our own ends. But the consequences of our voracious lives are spiraling out of control. Are we pushing the natural world towards a crisis? Where do we go from here?"

Un comentariu:
Just happened across your blog and ended up reading it ALL! I'm going to scroll back up to the Human Planet and check it out, but before that, I wanted to let you know how enjoyable your blog is!
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