Continuam povestile despre nunta traditionala indiana cu ceremonia numita Haldi (aka turmeric in engleza, aka curcuma in romaneste)
Trebuie sa stiti ca respectivul condiment, curcuma, care se foloseste foarte des in mancarurile indiene, se descopera a fi chiar benefic impotriva unor boli precum cancer, Alzheimer si altele.
An idiot’s guide to an Indian wedding
You have been advised to wear the worst clothes you own to this ceremony. I ended up wearing something I’ve owned for 8 years.
The bride’s mother hosts Haldi. All her close girl friends are invited, although it’s common to see the bride’s brother there as well.
Haldi literally means turmeric (yes, the spice!). They make a paste of turmeric along with milk, almonds, pistachios and other nuts. It turns out to be this thick paste, which is applied all over the bride’s skin.
She sits on a chair surrounded by everyone, and one by one, we apply the paste on her face and hands. It’s supposed to make you look pretty. How does a horrible smelling yellow thing do that is beyond me? By the end of the ceremony, everyone goes crazy, and we start applying haldi to everyone present. During this application process, it may be possible that the aforementioned yellow substance may land on your clothing, thus ruining it forever. No, dry cleaning does not help. So, stick to wearing your old clothes and you will be a very happy person indeed!
Since, we have only one brother, we (the sisters) decided that it was okay for us to apply haldi to him as well. We didn’t ask him, more like we ordered him! To humour us, he even agreed!
That night, all of us (my parents and all my siblings) got into our old pajamas, and applied haldi on my brother. Somewhere it changed from being a haldi ceremony, to being a haldi fight!
Everyone was coated yellow, and I’m quite sure our maids hated us for the mess we made.
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