The art of living a simple, peaceful and happy life by 3 facts. Eating, praying and loving.
So here we have Liz (Julia R) after an unhappy marriage who decides to make a change, therefore going to discover the world. She makes her spirit happy by eating the delicious foods from Italy, praying in the most spiritual land, India, and in the end living a peaceful love story in Indonesia.
Is it possible? Well it seems it is because the movie is based on a real story, real life facts that made someone happy one day. Elizabeth Gilbert, the writer of the book Eat pray love in 2006, told her story, a self discovery story after her hard divorce. The story where she would travel around the world alone, learning an important lesson in each corner. So in one year, Elizabeth Gilbert found her balance in a journey where she enjoyed life by eating, finding her spirituality and praying and balancing everything with a love story.
"I felt so guilty, I have been in Rome for 3 weeks and all I've done is learn a few Italian words and eat"
"Sono sola...molto sola" (Liz)
"Here's the deal, you're going to stay here until you forget yourself, you hear me? Everything else will take care of itself"
If you could clear out all the space in your mind, you'd have a doorway, and you know what the universe would do? Rush in. Then everything else will take care of itself" (Richard from Texas)
"You don't need a man Liz, you need a champion"
"Right here is perfect balance, right at meeting of heaven with earth" (Ketut)
"Sometimes when you set out in the world to help yourself, you end up helping tutti" (Liz)
Now after all this, it's time to see the movie, and get ready for your own adventure.

Un comentariu:
am auzit mult vorbindu-se despre acest film, înainte ca eu să-l privesc...nu știu, dar mă gândeam că trebuie să am o anumită stare...deci până nu m-am simțit pregătită nu l-am privit...mi-a plăcut, e un film care te învață și-ți atrage atenția asupra unor trăiri pe care fiecare vrem să le simțim...învață și curaj după mine...
Oana, mulțumesc, engleza ta de aici, am înțeleso fără să o traduc cumva...am citit și pur și simplu am înțeles:):*
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