4 months of my life in the desert :))) But it's worth it, I'm telling you.
And what really keeps me hanging is mostly the idea that soon, very soon, the world will be "at my feet". Why is that? Well surely you can imagine that working in a airline you have good discounts for airfares, even on other airlines not only Emirates :D
And while selling tickets every day to different destinations around the world, it's quite impossible not to imagine where would I like to fly in the future.
Here are some of the destinations which got stuck in my mind for the next year or maybe at the end of this one if my leave days will allow that :))
Manila (MNL) the bright capital of the magical island of the Philippines. With Spanish influences and many Spanish names on the streets, Manila is the most cosmopolitan city in the islands, the second as number of population and main religion roman catholic. Definitely one trip in the Phillippines should not end in Manila, but when you don't have to many days in your pocket, you can settle with the city as well :)

One dream of mine since I came here is to visit Seychelles. The island pertains to Africa, being in north of Madagascar, situated in the Indian ocean, having as neighbors the lovely island of Mauritius, Reunion, Zanzibar, Maldives and others about which I don't know about :P With official languages French, English and Seychellois creol, I imagine I should not have any problem in finding a spot there for a few days or relaxation. Anyone else in for Seychelles (SEZ)?

My last year plan after coming back from India was to work or at least visit Brazil. To work there surely can not do right now, but what do you know, we fly to Sao Paolo (SAO) and Rio de Janeiro (RIO)... Just my luck! Since I was little I dream of seeing the statue of Jesus on the top of Corcovado mountain, so my dream is about to come true some time soon :D I won't go into carnival stuff and Copacabana, I don't wanna stretch it to much :)) Will stick to some city tour, a cool swim in the ocean and a visit on the top of Corcovado mountain. Of course Sao Paolo would not hurt either, but I would prefer Rio instead.

And of course should not leave aside the eastern part of Asia. Could not decide yet to a destination but Emirates flies to all corners of the world, so some options would be Osaka, or maybe Shanghai or even Seoul. Would prefer Osaka by now, but none of these places would hurt me to get there...
I would love to tell you more, but I fear this can be painful for some of my friends especially, so I will stick to these places for now :)))
Now 2 slaps over the face, a glass of cold water, a cold shower (well actually a warm shower cause we don't have cold water in this country) and off to work. Let's send some people in the world, till I'll have my chance to get there.
5 comentarii:
What about Bombay and Hyderabad?
that is anyways my first destination :P
iti doresc din inima sa-ti implinesti visul de a calatori! ma bucur ca iti face placere experienta de acolo.
din intamplare am gasit acum cateva luni blogul tau si il urmaresc cu mare interes. in aceiasi perioada am mers la interviu pt ground staff si urma sa plec pe terminalul 2 in mai, dar am decis ca nu inca (salariul nefiind suficient sa imi platesc aparatul dentar alaturi de visul de a calatori).
observ ca te-ai acomodat bine acolo; o persoana pe care o cunosc s-a si intors dezamagit de conditii- dar tot de pe ground staff.
iti doresc cat mai multe calatorii si cat mai multe postari. poate pana la urma ma decid sa o iau din loc, dar as putea incerca pe travel agent sau ceva de genul.
daca te fascineaza Asia poti incerca Air Asia care zboara de pe Sarjah si au preturi extraordinare. am prieteni care merg la Istanbul si de acolo in Asia prin intermediul lor si preturile sunt f bune.
multa bafta!
multumesc mult de mesaj dee. eu nu m-am gandit cum va fi, am trait in india inainte, jumatate de an, asadar conditiile aici mi s-au parut foarte bune, din unele puncte de vedere. dar desigur, la fel ca la noi, sistemul tinde sa te dezamageasca, romania sau neromania, peste tot sunt mizerii si situatii mai putin placute. insa daca esti cu mintea deschisa si atitudinea pozitiva treci peste ele si te bucuri de restul, cele bune. mult succes in ceea ce faci si ce iti doresti. daca ajungi prin dubai da un semn :)
Manila? - nothing to do there (well, here). Spanish Heritage - half day visit. Malls? - that is not tourism. Or is it ? Whores - better in Thailand (and that is not tourism either).
Good food, but blended with the local lack of spiciness. But in half a day trip you can be on a nice beach , so even if stuck for a few days only, try to escape ...
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