So here I am, after one year and a half, back in India, the place that I loved the most from all my journeys till now.
I landed in the city called Hyderabad yesterday morning, here to visit my dear friend Zahraa, who was anxious like a baby to see me again...just like me actually. I flew with Emirates (duh), and as expected I had a great flight, with goodies and nice atmosphere and friendly faces there to serve you anytime.
Hyderabad is a quite big city, bigger than my old Nagpur anyways, all green (comparing to the deserted dubai :))) ) and as I expected, very crowded. Dust is everywhere, cows walk freely on the streets, people walking on the sides of the road, just like I knew it :)
So my Indian adventure started with a long walk in the city, looking guess for what, a damn exchange house. If you can easily find exchanges in any place of the world, here we had to go 30 minutes with an auto ricksha and another 20 minutes walking. Can you imagine! Colors everywhere on the streets, women in sarees walking around, fresh fruit at every corner, fried Indian snacks all the way and lots of cars and bikes. I was just walking around, breaking my neck to catch every part of the world around me, to see every move, every shop, every person passing by. The lovely but tiring day ended with a shopping session in an open kind of park-bazaar and fresh fruit. But the most adventurous experience was the way back from the open market, traveling in the auto ricksha. The traffic went crazy by evening, so besides not being able to bargain to get a good price till home, we found ourselves "squeezed" between ten of cars, bikes, and a huge buss who was about to squish us for a couple of times. Amazingly this never happens, because the ricksha drivers, as crazy and as illegal as they move around, they never get stopped or have accidents. Or at least I never witnessed one, thank God :D
Irrespective of whatever people say or think or imagine about India, I know that this is a place where I will always love to be. And this came clear to me now, when I found myself here for the second time.
See u laters alligators!
4 comentarii:
No idea how you managed to integrate here. For others, like me, it was a nightmare - so congrats. We may have been exposed to different parts of the society, or maybe Hyderabad is far enough from the South - which is notoriously worse than the rest.
Anyway, nice sexy shot, of the indian babe and of that mamaliga.
Hey Lucian. Yes, I also met people who left home after 2 weeks of India. well who knows, maybe i'm an exception, or maybe not. By the way, in which city were you? I am planning to i to cochi in some time. Good Luck in your future journeys :)
Really, you are amazing how good you adapt to different civilizations. I've told you a friend of mine has returned from Dubai,also India is not at all easy to adapt.
Good luck with you journey in that part of the world, and I wish you as many journeys as possible.
You deserve it!
I lived in Bangalore for just over a year, but travelled the North quite a bit. As a tourist - gorgeous, living there, solving 'small' problems like internet, electricity, 'anything', the lies you get just to pay for a service, the bribery you pay to convince them to do their job - sent me through the roof. But living of a suitcase, moving around - that was nice an easy. Rajastan is one of the most gorgeous places in the world.
Lucian (
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