We all know that black and heat never go well together. However it seems this side of the globe is ignoring this fact, because as you can see all over Dubai, Arabian tradition says... Abaya and Niqab.
Since I came here, one of my dreams became this...to wear at least one time the traditional Arabian clothes. And I will succeed eventually, I am sure.
Now about the locals and the black wear. For some it's tradition, for some it's religion, however, all locals (it seems all) have their heads covered. And they look lovely. Or at least some of them. Besides this, under that long black cover, you will be able to see the latest fashion, from all the brands in the world, especially Armani, Gucci and D&G. Just like in sex and the city movie :D
Exotic perfumes with strong essences, big sparkly bags, high heals (a MUST), hairpins, make-up, a cool mobile phone (either Blackberry, either I-Phone) all are part of the modern Arabian wear.
However, the BAG is the most important part of them all, because it is the only article in the Arabian wear that you can see completely. Some women here spend thousands of Dirhams, equal with hundred of Euros, just to have a cool, modern, fashion BAG to go with their wear. If not thousands than at least some good hundred Dirhams, just to be sure that they have the latest fashioned bag.
The purpose of the Abaya and the Niqab is of course to cover the woman's shapes, so that she does not attract the looks on her figure. She can get it off only when she is surrounded by family.

An Egyptian "story teller" told me one evening that the way the locals wear the Niqab is reflecting their social status. As big the hair bun, the higher in the social class...
One thing is amazing in this traditional wear, the fact that some woman cover themselves completely. Meaning that you cannot see not even a little part of skin from the persons body. Some Arab woman cover their face completely and also wear gloves and closed shoes, which must be quite difficult to wear I imagine...
There are the "modern" women that only cover their hair either with a Niqab, either with simple scarves. Them I would personally call "araboaice rebele" :)
I keep thinking if I would be able to live like this, if I would bare this heat combined with this wear, and those are the times when I feel happy I didn't grow up in this part of the world doe, no matter how beautiful the women are and how much money they have.
Fascinating, isn't it?
5 comentarii:
Olá, não sei se você irá entender o que eu vou escrever, talvez o Google lhe ajude.
Encontrei seu blog por acaso e fiquei encantada por saber que está morando em Dubai, acho um país muito interessante e eu tenho muita vontade de conhecê-lo.
Li alguns posts e achei muito legal essa experiência.
Espero que você consiga ficar o tempo necessário em Dubai.
Estarei sempre por aqui visitando seu blog.
Thank u Fernanda.
I understood everything that u wrote actually. I don't speak Portuguese, however I speak Spanish, so your message was quite clear. Thank u for stopping by, I'm very glad to see people from all over the world around my posts :)
Very nice to meet you.
fans with u all over the world keep on going to describe everything that u see here in Dubai u are doing a very good job.saludos the one and only handrian
Apropo de asta, postul tau m-a facut sa mai citesc una alta si am dat peste: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ban_on_full_length_Islamic_veils
Franta a interzis stilul asta de imbracaminte, ii un "security risk". That's true...
Si in Austria sunt o gramada acoperite din cap pana in picioare, am vazut o fata cu un "Abaya" mov complet, si partea din "niqab" care acopera fata, neagra :)
Eu le respect traditia... dar nu m-as vedea pe mine facand asa ceva.
Tu ai pus poza pe facebook cu un cartoon, o tipa mega sumar imbracata si una cu abaya si niqab, se blamau una pe cealalta sau asa ceva?
Da Anca, am auzit si eu vestea cu Franta. Nu m-as exprima in privinta deciziei lor, cat despre postarile pe facebook, nu stiu exact unde e fata dezbracata dar nu are nicio legatura cu arabian wearul :) sau poate te referi la videoclipul celor de la placebo...something totally different, nu au legatura.
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