luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Ce ne aduce 2013...

In primul rand imi aduce mie ideea in cap sa incep sa scriu pe blog in limba materna, asa ca fraticilor care nu intelegeti va rog mult folositi optiunea de translate :D Eu oricum va iubesc, stiti voi asta :)
In al doilea rand, pai 2013 ne aduce exact... ce vrem noi. Cum asa? Pai uite asa. Pentru ca asa merge treaba de fapt. Eh cred ca am mai vorbit noi despre asta, si am scris cate ceva si despre acel mega-film motivatio-inspirational cu secretul care de fapt sta in fiecare dintre noi, "The Secret". Unii l-au vazut, s-au folosit de el, altii fac ca lucrurile sa treaca pe langa ei neobservate. Ideea este ca nebunia asta chiar se intampla, trebuie doar incercata o data la modul serios, si vazut cum lucrul pe care intr-adevar ti-l doresti, ca e obiectiv pe anul 2013 sau ceva in general, se indeplineste, daca desigur crezi ca se poate intampla si nu uiti sa iti spui asta in fiecare zi sau chiar dimineata cand incepi ziua.
La mine de exemplu functioneaza astfel. Dimineata cand deschid ochii (daca ma trezesc pe partea dreapta) dau cu nasu' intr-o coala A4 pe care sunt insirate toate starile de spirit sau dorintele mele pentru anul in curs. De la "zambesc zilnic" pana la dorinta de a vizita Machu Picchu (care se va intampla in vreo 4 luni apropo), pe toate le spun cu voce tare sau chiar in gand de vreo 2-3 ori, apoi ma ridic din pat si am pornit la treaba. Daca ma trezesc pe partea stanga, realizez intr-un semi-somn ca nu am nimic in fata si fac repede o pirueta in pat pana dau de coala. Si zic ca merge treaba, asa am ajuns eu anul trecut sa imi indeplinesc 2 mari dorinte, incepand fiecare dimineata din 2011 cu gandul la ele. Si toate astea fara sa planuiesti modalitatea prin care s-ar realiza, ci pur si simplu gandindu-te la ele si lasand viata sa curga normal, fara sa fortezi lucrurile.
Desigur aceasta este modalitatea care functioneaza pentru mine, insa pana la urma controlul este la noi, si fiecare isi poate gasi un fel de a face lucrurile sa se intample, prin propria putere. Gandirea pozitiva si auto-controlul joaca un rol tare important, oricat de rau ar fi lucrul care ti s-a intamplat, oricat de mare ar fi problema, sau de grei nervii, exista o solutie, iar daca tu crezi asta o vei gasi rapid si ai sanse mari sa revii la starea normala, de impacare cu sinele sau cu ceilalti.
Dar revenind la ce ne aduce 2013, ca am inceput iar sa balivernez cu treburi psihologice si motivationale, am inteles ca numai lucruri scumpe in Romania: marirea pensiilor si reducerea salariilor bugetarilor cu venituri foarte mari, introducerea unei noi taxe de iesire din spital, masini second-hand mai scumpe si pretul la tigari mai mare, din ce in ce mai multe E-uri in paine si o usoara crestere a monedei Euro pana in vara. O noua apocalipsa? Sunt pregatita chiar si de-un potop :))) Nu continui fiindca lista e lunga rau si pe mine nu ma pasioneaza aceste aspecte.
Iar ca sa nu ne deprimam foarte tare de ce ne prezic astrele sau Pro Tv pentru noul an, mai citim Romania Pozitiva sa ne mai binespunem si sa realizam ca totusi sunt multe lucruri frumoase care se intampla, doar ca deh, stirile de la ora 5 sunt mai cool decat un site cu stiri de bine, nu?

sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

Goodie moodie

The time has come for you to know that I am a very...wishful person :D When I see someone eating I cannot stop myself from having a "small bite", just for the taste. Therefore you can imagine my favorite food is and most probably always will be Indian food. Tasty, spicy, meaty and veggie in the same time, saucy and everything else that you might want, it's the BEST.
And of course one of the things I miss most since I am home is the delicious Asian/Oriental/Indian foods from all the places I've been to. Besides that the worst thing is that in Romania you cannot find these famous tasty restaurants, bakeries or sweet shops that you find in the world.
Here are just a few of the places I've been to in the last 1 year and half and I badly miss:

*Baskin Robbins. Probably the BEST ICE CREAM in the world :))  In case you haven't tasted this ice cream ever in your life, well you should not pass life on Earth and not try it. It is one of the best things I ever tasted...and I DON't really like sweets. Once a week Baskin ice cream was on the to do list, and pfff they had so many and good flavors. My personal recommendations: Jamoca Almond Fudge and Praline's n Cream, for sure the best ice creams in the world :))))
* TGI Friday's is simply delicious. I don't know how it is in other countries but in Dubai the staff is so cheerful and happy happy joy joy that you would go there everyday. Smiling faces, good service, not to mention a variety of foods and deserts and good atmosphere that make you want to go back. It happened to us one winter evening, after coming back from a one day cruise in Oman, we stopped for a late dinner at TGI Friday's and guess what, somehow the staff came to know that it was my friend's birthday. In the next moments all silence and a small ice cream & pastry with a candle came in the picture, with the staff singing and dancing happy birthday or something. It was so nice and cute that I was clapping and laughing like an IDIOT...for real... Here's a proof.

* Cinnabon is something unique. I know you can find it in Romania as well, if not something very similar, but not in my city unfortunately. Now this is the real cinnamon shit I tell you. Everything tastes so real and good that even salty people like me would want to eat it at least once in 2 days. Cinnabon rolls and many secondary similar products are just making you drool in front of the store, and man they smell sooooo gooood!!!!!
* I don't know who this Tim Hortons is but damn he has a food restaurant! Apparently this chain is only found in Canada, Central America and Oman and UAE, but it should definitely expand some more. It was the first place I tasted a broccoli soup and I started cooking it since then, it was that good, and many other bakery products that made my mouth  drool.
* North Carolina apparently invented Krispy Kreme, and oh God bless them cause they made an amazing discovery. Best donuts in the world I tell you, the best ones. In my first days in Dubai I met Ahmed and Roxana, and in our first day out I well remember that Ahmed had a pack with 6 nice looking donuts with some black and white chocky on top, inviting me to try one cause it's the best one and their favorite. I was to shy to take one, so I think I just took a bite and it tasted damn good. That was just the beginning. My relation with Krispy Kreme became stronger every time I was passing next to the store in the Mall and stopping to have 2 donuts instead of lunch, or as a desert. Since then we became close, and thought nobody knew, I was eating those donuts quite often, more often than my sweetie roommate :D

So in the end, if you pass by one of these stores in some big city in the world, don't hesitate to stop and have a bite. 
And most important of them all: God bless America!

sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013

Good old friend..

Annd I am back ladies and gentleman, nice to still see you here after so long. I just had some rough times and now I am back, in a new year, with new ideas and new plans ahead. Short term ones, not to spoil life surprises of course.
Nowadays, still winter, my favorite season of them all, cold weather and white pictures everywhere, just the way I like it. And since I missed to write the Christmas and New Year stories, still I'm gonna tell a kind of Christmas story, about an old friend that's by my side since I was a kid. In winter or summer, whether I am gone or back home, he is still here, waiting for me and brightening my mornings since many many years. Presenting... my very own Christmas tree :)

Just to let you know, he lives in front of my house, in fact, he was planted here by my grandparents or parents, I don't even remember. He is around 20 years old, a little smaller than me at age, but more than 7 times taller :)) Yeah, you are right, that's me in the picture with the tree. It's clear that we grew little bit more than I was imagining when I was that small. He had a lot of space when he was young and little, in fact he's still young, just that he grew so much that the space is not enough for him now. But he is taking it very well and apparently loves us and got used to us that much...that he keeps growing. My dogs love him to, they can hide under his branches and chill in the hot summer days. He makes winter and season holidays more beautiful and all my mornings happy, cause I wake up with him in front of my window.
And as friend was telling me these holidays, in fact we don't decorate Christmas trees, they decorate us.